Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Article about Nokomis Keewaydinoquay in the Traverse City Record-Eagle

Hello, my friends!

It has been a little while since you've had any updates from the Holy Hill Center, but there's a great one for today! One of my fellow Holy Hill Center Board Members sent me a lovely article about Nokomis Kee that was published in the Traverse City Record-Eagle in May.

If you haven't had a chance to read "Kee's Lessons: Woman learns, teaches ways of American Indian scholar" yet, you should click on the article title above and the link will take you right to it. I think this passage especially exemplifies what we at the Center feel to be our purpose in spreading the knowledge, culture, and history of this remarkable woman.

"Grandmother said, 'We are family.' I would hear many variations of that over council fires and in many different circles, and I finally came to realize that we weren't just saying, 'I'm a sister, I'm a granddaughter to everyone in the circle.' What we're really saying is that we are all part of all life. Grandmother called that 'interconnectedness'...All humans once lived in earth-based cultures. I think there's a genetic memory, that we all lived close to Mother Earth and knew the power of that closeness."

Since we are all interconnected with the earth and all other things, why not share equally among us all. That way we can all benefit. We all rise together, or we all fall together. Let us hope that the coming years will be a time for us to rise!

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