Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Welcome to the NEW Holy Hill Center Blog!

We are a non-profit organization based in Leland, Michigan. We are the legacy of the lady whose picture is at the left here, Keewaydinoquay Pakawakuk Peschel , a Crane clan elder and scholar. In addition to publications and oral teachings, she was a professor of Ethnobotany and Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee in the 1980s. Her works include numerous books on herbs, Native American medicine and rare legends for children and adults. Her willingness to teach those of other than native backgrounds still causes some controversy, but we at the Holy Hill Center believe this information should be shared, since all people from all walks of life can benefit from it. We hope that you will continue to read our Blog and perhaps join us in some of our upcoming events!
Visit our Website for more information about the Center:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like a really interesting non-profit! Could I hear a bit more about your upcoming events?